Website blocking is a network component and depends on the requirement of each business. Only the Proxy server or Proxy Firewall can control it. Internet traffic only reaches a particular server when it passes through an enterprise network. The IT team cannot set up a personal mail block policy for all its customers worldwide. Apps for business users need to achieve this kind of solution at the network level of the firm. There are many policies to block personal email, but there does not seem to be a complete solution to the problem. Therefore, we are going to illustrate a foolproof solution for this problem.
Blocking personal email – Say no to consumer email!
Most security specialists concur that the most secure approach to deal with this hazard is to have a strategy prohibiting the utilization of individual email accounts while appended to the corporate system. This is a key initial step. For organizations that have been remiss concerning the utilization of individual email accounts, the strategy is probably going to be disliked from the start. Subsequently, it is critical to teach all email clients concerning the explanations behind this approach and that the infringement of this arrangement is a justification for discipline.
Obviously, the approach is of no genuine worth except if safety efforts are computerized to limit the hazard and screen potential infringement. While robotizing security approaches is no simple undertaking, organizations that are confronting administrative necessities, like those forced by Sarbanes-Oxley may have minimal decision. There are propelled blocking and sifting apparatuses accessible that can dispose of the greater part of the hazard, and by including different shields, for example, directing all outbound HTTP/HTTPS traffic through an intermediary server, a considerably more tighten level of control can be forced.
What’s the problem with these policies?
It is of no worth using such policies to block mail access on your office network. The major drawback of working with a personal email block policy is that it restricts personal mail access only on a certain web browser. If an employee tries to log in to their mail id from another browser during business hours, he or she will be successful in this attempt. Enterprise authorities will be unaware of this attempt, leading to an increase in cloud computing security risk. The controls are not in the hands of businesses with a higher power to safeguard the content from data breaches or cyber threats.
So, how can you block personal email from the office network?
Enterprises can include a personal mail block policy in their network with the help of gControl. This approach adds an extra layer of cloud data protection, enabling the admin to acquire visibility on the employees working with consumer mail. CloudCodes’ gControl and O365 features help business administrators to gain complete control over the corporate data. When an account holder blocks mail access in Office using gControl or O365, associated user account owners will not be able to work with their ids. Even if someone tries, he or she will automatically get logged out from their account, and immediately a violation report gets generated. This report is emailed to the admin, the HR, or the reporting manager, as defined in the policy. With this security solution, it is not as much difficult as it seems to enforce the consumer mail block standard.
Key takeaways
gControl and O365 are two of the most preferred solutions for business customers. The program is designed in a way that all Google drive security standards are present in it in the form of software features. It enables account administrators to block mail access in office during the working hours and on violation gives an update to the concerned authority. Not only this, but other functionalities like Google Apps password expiration policy, Google password policy, IP restriction, domain whitelisting, etc., are provided by this solution. It is a package of solutions that benefit an administrator with all possible systems required to strengthen security on the cloud platform.