Cloud Access Management Integral for Cloud Adoption

Marketing Team Cloud Security Expert - CloudCodes Software
  • September 20th, 2020

Cloud Access Management

Cloud technology offers varied benefits for any enterprise, but if the cloud security features are not taken care of, they risk their sensitive data getting breached. When in an enterprise, you know that data security is of prime importance and the security policies should be centered around cloud access management and restriction management, so that, no cases of data breaches are reported. With the proliferation of cloud applications, data security is being followed with renewed interest and the IT leaders are admitting for the requirement of consumer-grade access to the cloud services for employees.

Stronger Authentication Is Must for Enterprises

In a recently done survey, when compared to the most well-known and highly popular sites, 54% of the enterprise managers feel that their businesses lack adequate authentication methods. Now, enterprises have to deal with the ever-evolving cloud services and the concept of cloud flexibility and mobility through BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-Device). The enterprises are faced with the challenges of implementing a consumer-based approach to the login process so as to provide data security since employees tend to work remotely and access it from any available network. As a matter of fact, IT professionals believe that enterprise security has to be made as strong as in the consumer world. Also, the most vulnerable feature is the use of weak passwords and usernames and reusing them across multiple apps and services by employees. Around 92% of the surveyed respondents feel that the use of weak personal credentials is one of the major reasons for cyber crimes and 61% admit that strong authentication measures like the two-factor authentication process are still not in place in their enterprise making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

New Approaches to Cloud Access Management

The enterprises admit that they need to embrace new approaches with regard to cloud access management to simplify the login process for users. About 72% of the survey respondents believe in the implementation of a strong cloud access solution to decrease the threats of cyberattacks and large-scale breaches. When selecting the right tool for cloud access management, enterprises look into scalability and management overheads. Hence, enterprises face the challenge of finding the right balance between easy user login and security. It is true that things should be made easier for the employees so that their productivity does not suffer. The solution is in figuring out the risks associated with each and every application and then segregating it as the most critical and the lesser ones. After whitelisting/blacklisting the apps, the IT department has to deploy cloud access management policies, thus applying the authentication method to manage risks associated with unauthorized access. This way, a compromise is effectively reached between a convenient login experience and access security.

Secure Access to Applications through Cloud Access Management

94% of the surveyed respondents felt that cloud access management is an integral part of cloud security because they are aware of the fact that ineffective cloud access management is the major reason why so many instances of cyber breaches get reported. With the penetration of the cloud into each and every aspect of the enterprise system, it is better than adequate security systems are in place, lest they risk their data getting into the wrong hands of the hackers. Various issues like enterprise data security, less efficient time utilization of the IT staff, increased operational overheads and IT heads crop up due to ineffective cloud access management. In spite of the enterprises being plagued by these problems, on average, only 2 out of 10 firms use two-factor authentication to strengthen their cloud security. The cloud applications, no doubt, have brought in a lot of benefits for the enterprises. But, it has raised the issues of security, and enterprises have been faced with the challenge of managing access security across multiple cloud applications and networks. If the enterprises do not act fast and place adequate cloud access management measures in place, then this is liable to lead to a higher security breach. This may lastly even hamper the organization’s ability to scale in the cloud.
