What is the Role of Identity Access Management in Cloud Computing Security?

Marketing Team Cloud Security Expert - CloudCodes Software
  • June 29th, 2021

Business agility and cloud security could be like two opposing forces. For improving cloud security, users might face the need to compromise on business agility. Or with the terms of the relation reversed, efforts to make businesses more agile may seem to come into the path of acquiring cloud security. However, in this era of the digital revolution, there is a growing need for cloud security as much as it is for business agility. Businesses must be agile, for enabling companies to respond speedily to ever-changing priorities as well as new business opportunities. The role of Identity Access Management (IAM) is to ensure complete cloud security for businesses employing policies and multiple verification steps inside a specific network.

And at the same time, a sturdy cloud security posture is also needed to be maintained to protect organizational data against mounting risks. Such a problem becomes all the more intricate as the apps managed by employees continue to increase at an alarming rate. Users must be capable of delivering new apps quickly. Also, at the same time, it must be ensured that these applications, from on-premises apps to the cloud-based ones to the SaaS ones, are all accessible through a diverse as well as progressively mobile user base.

Role of Identity and Access Management in Cloud Security

It might seem to be a difficult task, but that is not the case, as it does not need to be such. Identity-and-Access-Management (IAM) is designed especially for these challenges faced. With identity management at the center stage of the access management portfolio, one can avail the following benefits: Improve work productivity

  • Increase cloud security
  • Quickly connect applications
  • Lesser administrative overheads
  • Lesser operational costs

IAM Infrastructure

While maintaining the Identity and Access infrastructure, many choices are there. IAM infrastructure management burden can be offloaded to the IDaaS (Identity-as-a-service) vendors, who are hired by enterprises for this said job. Firms, which now wish to have better control, might prefer managing things on their end. And another common scenario that is growing is the blend of both these. However, with numerous apps and multiple identities that are stored in many different locations, it could become highly challenging to bring those applications online speedily and provide users with the required data access that they need. Regardless of the situation that any firm is in, the modern Identity Management solutions by CASB vendors can ease the burden and meet the challenges. Companies would become empowered quickly to connect new apps and provide the right kind of people with the required access to the correct type of data in a secure manner.

Identity Access Management Solution

It is evident now that the cloud is adopted ubiquitously with almost all corporate entities going the cloud way. So with this alarming increase in cloud adoption, migration of critical information into the cloud is also giving risk to augmented risks of putting that confidential data into malicious hands. The IAM feature of CloudCodes CASB solution does personal verification via Password Management to prevent any unforeseen data breaches. IAM helps in employing a password policy and identifying users with multiple verification steps inside a specific eco-system, be it a country or some network of a particular enterprise for ensuring complete Cloud security.

Trusted Vendor

IAM modulates access to various resources within the enterprise systems by incorporating password policy and some other user policies as well as restrictions with verified identities. It is undoubtedly a useful way to control user information over the systems. With Identity Management, it is possible to control/identify/manage various user identities across the whole enterprise system with the set up of specific policies. CloudCodes IAM solution helps in delivering the following to curtail data leak occurrences that would be prevalent otherwise:

  • Provisioning/Deprovisioning users via a single console
  • Implementation of password policy to define the complexity of passwords like passwords to be at least eight characters long and must have at least one uppercase letter, one unique personality, and one number
  • Using existing Microsoft Active Directory as Identity Provider to the systems for AD integration
  • Enable Multi-factor authentication with the help of some secret questions, OTP or One-Time-Password sent via SMS or sent on email
  • Implementation of Biometric-factor using fingerprint-scan-support on mobiles
  • Windows login support for users
