Strong Password Security – An Important Aspect for Online Users

Marketing Team Cloud Security Expert - CloudCodes Software
  • May 13th, 2021

Strong password security is an essential aspect for online consumers these days. This is required to mitigate the chances of data breaches or cybercrimes that are caused due to weak account password and sharing of account security credentials.

It has been observed that people use their birth date or a pet’s name to create online account passwords. Let it be a normal computer user or a professional person, around 77% of online users create tenant passwords via phone numbers, date of birth, mother’s name, etc. They don’t take the stage of password creation seriously due to which it becomes easier for hackers to attempt brute-force attacks and get successful result too.

Recipe of Strong Password Security

Tastes fantastic, simple to prepare” – This principle should be kept in mind when an individual decides to create the account password. Online users must follow the mantra ‘change password in every 180 days’. Although some educational companies enforce password expiration standards to encourage faculties, students, and staff to alter their password on the basis of predefined schedule. Also, other organizations in other fields can enable multifactor authentication approaches to mitigate the password challenges. Below mentioned are the basic tips to achieve strong password security for an online account:

  • Prefer The Use a Pass Phrase – Nowadays security experts are suggesting a ‘passphrase’ instead of a simple password. Such kind of phrase should be comparatively long – with minimum 20 characters and comprise of seemingly random alphabets consolidated with special symbols, uppercase letters, numbers, and lowercase letters. Users have to think of something that is easy to remember but, hard to guess.
  • Password Should be 12 Char Long – The more the password is long the more it is better. It has been noticed by Cybersecurity experts that longer passwords are tougher for attackers to crack. It becomes complicated for them to target the account if it has a password with more than 12 characters. With the feeling of quitting, criminals ignore the account that holds a long security password and hence, difficult for them to guess.
  • Activate Multi-factor Authentication – In case, luckily hackers succeed in their task of accessing target’s account then also, there is nothing much to panic. Well, some of the cloud service providers render an option of Multi-factor authentication, which is by default deactivated. Account-holders have to activate this feature in their tenant to use it and secure their tenant, even if the account credentials get leaked.
  • Ensure That Devices Are Secured – One of the strong password security standards is to secure the devices where account passwords are stored. Several human beings are in the habit of saving their passwords on electronic, portable devices. If these devices are not secured properly, big chances of data leakage are there. Therefore, don’t take any risk; simply enforce passwords on the devices that comprise of account security.
  • Involve Symbols, Numbers, etc. – A password test with simple numbers or lowercase letters or uppercase alphabets are easy to guess for cybercriminals. They make possible combinations to crack the target’s account password. God knows when and how their combinations & guesses get correct, and unfortunately, an unexpected bad day for the account holder. Thus, don’t take a chance! It’s better to be aware at an early stage and create a password with special symbols, numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Never Post It In the Plain Sight – This may look an obvious situation but, researched have told that there are several users who post their password on PC’s sticky note. Completely a bad thought! If you cannot remember account password, write it down on a note that is invisible for unauthorized computer users. Only one authentic person should be allowed to watch that note; none of the others should be permitted.

Strong Password Policy Can Only Be Achieved By Humans

Neither a machine nor an automated app can help human beings in creating their account passwords. It is the major role of each and every individual to secure tenant password and store it safely wherever they wish. A strong password security can only be achieved when each and every person in the Cyberworld is serious regarding password protection. Basic tips to achieve strong password security are completely enough; the only thing required is to be aware and work accordingly.
