Access Control For Cloud Security
Allowing control over access to data and formulate efficient governance policies for the user. Access Control can regulate and monitor permissions to business data by formulating policies.
Gain granular control over corporate data and user behavior to ensure there is no data breach or data loss by users intentionally or unintentionally with CloudCodes Access Control solution.
Cloud apps like G Suite, Office 365, Dropbox, etc. offer the flexibility of data access from anywhere, any device, and anytime. Though this functionality has its own perks, its misuse cannot be overlooked.
What if –
- A user copied your proprietary data after work hours and used it after his exit?
- A user forgets to log out from the business account opened on a public machine?
- A user's unofficial machine is virus or malware infected?
- Does your sales guy poach your customers (data) for his own business?
These and lot more possibilities could lead to a data breach, theft, or loss of your critical, confidential business data, which could lead to business loss – time, money, and resources. This data breach/loss could be totally unintentional, or it could very well be intentional. It is up to a company to take action and stop the mishaps – which can be done with Access Control in cloud security policies.
What Is Access Control in Cloud Security?
Access Control in cloud security is a system with which a company can regulate and monitor permissions, or access to their business data by formulating various policies suited chosen by the company. Access control in cloud security helps companies gain macro-level visibility into their data and user behavior, which a cloud app may not be able to offer, given their on-demand services and mobility.
Today, data is the most valuable asset of a company, safeguarding it is the next thing to do! Access Control in cloud computing gives companies the control to restrict unauthorized user access and, at the same time, give enough access for smooth functioning at work.
CloudCodes Access Control in cloud security lets companies formulate policies to restrict access through specific IP addresses, browsers, devices, and during specified time shifts. Here's an in-depth view of our Access Control in cloud computing solution.
Security Features Under Access Control By CloudCodes
IP Restriction
IP based access control in cloud computing, let's you to enforce of IP restriction policy that enables IT admin, to restrict user access to business data only through one or more specified IP address(es) only. This ensures that no business data is accessed in an unsecured, public, or unregistered IP address.
- Restrict a single user, a subset of users or entire organization to IP restriction policy
- Policy-based restriction for providing strong granular control to the business
- Customize mapping of users over one or more IP addresses
- No firewall settings or local installation are required for this feature
- Easy to set up IP restriction policies

Browser Restriction
This feature includes the restriction of end-users from accessing confidential files and folders on any web browser. Access Control in cloud computing ensures users can access business data from browsers specified through policy by the IT admin of an enterprise.
- Applicable to any of the trending web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Safari, IE, Chrome, etc.
- Manages Google Chrome using Google admin chrome management console
- Pushes the applications and extensions through the Chrome Management
- Organizational unit based granular control policies
- Easy and automated rollout

Device Restriction
Access Control in cloud security, restrict users from accessing corporate data from unknown, public, or unauthorized devices. This ensures no business data is copied, transferred, virus-infected, or so to and from a personal or public device.
- The policy is setup using the device's unique MAC Id
- Does not allow business data from personal machines, unless specified by IT admin
- Policy violation report sent to admin on a daily basis
- Self-service rollout
- Supports Linux, MAC, Windows, Chromebook

Create virtual work boundaries for your users to prevent unauthorized data access from unidentified locations with the Geo-location restriction / Geo Gencing feature of CloudCodes Access Control in a cloud security solution.
- Restrict users to access business data from one or more specified locations only - city or country
- Policy-based restriction to provide a very granular control
- Enforce policy on a single user, an organization unit or the entire organization
- No additional apps required, only device location needs to be enabled

Time Restrictions
Time-based access control in cloud computing lets you restrict users from accessing corporate data at odd times or out of office timings. Ensure business data is accessed during specified workdays and time only.
- The policy lets you specify days of the week and the time.
Eg, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm - Supports multiple time zones
- No extra app or extension required
- Enforce policy on one user, a particular department or the entire organization